Dr. Sanaa Sharafeddine
Assistant Professor
Division of Computer Science and Mathematics
Lebanese American University
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Sanaa Sharafeddine received her B.E. and M.E. degrees in Computer and Communications Engineering from the American University of Beirut (AUB), Lebanon, in 1999 and 2001, respectively. From 2002 to 2005, she joined the research staff of the Institute of Communication Networks (LKN) headed by Prof. Jörg Eberspächer at Technische Universität München (TUM), Munich, Germany. During this time, she had been working with Siemens AG, Munich. She received her Doktor-Ingenieurs (Dr.-Ing.) degree in June 2005. In her PhD thesis, she handled various network planning and quality of service provisioning areas including traffic characterization, capacity assignment, and robust network dimensioning. Additionally, she proposed novel network dimensioning mechanisms for realtime traffic; and these mechanisms are patented.

Sanaa Sharafeddine is the recipient of Charli Korban award for the outstanding graduate student at the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture at AUB, 2001, Siemens Youth and Knowledge Scholarship (Jugend und Wissen) for highly distinguished students, 2002 - 2005, and Siemens ICN EN Scholarship, 2004.

In October 2005, she joined the Division of Computer Science and Mathematics at the Lebanese American University (LAU) as an Assistant Professor. Her research interests include IP network planning, quality of service for realtime services, peer-to-peer networking, network coding, and pervasive and mobile computing.

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